8 research outputs found

    Interactive Learning

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    Im Sinne des maschinellen Lernens ist im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein interaktives Trainingssystem entstanden, welches dem Benutzer ermöglicht, erworbenes Wissen in den Trainingsprozess einzubringen. Trainiert wird dabei ein Kaskadenklassifikator anhand von Videodaten. Es existieren viele Systeme für das Training eines Klassifikators. Je nach Anwendungsgebiet erfolgt das Training offline oder online anhand tausender Beispiele. Die Aufgabe eines Benutzers beschränkt sich dabei immer darauf, den Trainingsbeispielen eine Objektklasse zuzuweisen. Dafür wählt das Active Learning unsichere Beispiele aus. Aufgrund der Trainingsdaten wählt der verwendete Trainingsalgorithmus eigenständig eine Kombination von Merkmalen, durch welche die Daten möglichst präzise klassifiziert werden. Das Potenzial des Menschen wird dabei bei Weitem nicht vollständig ausgenutzt. Dieser kann in den Trainingsprozess einbezogen werden, sofern ihm Informationen bezüglich des Prozesses zur Verfügung stehen und es ihm möglich ist, den Ablauf zu beeinflussen. Dafür wurden Konzepte des Interactive Learning definiert und umgesetzt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems wird anhand eines Anwendungsbeispiels demonstriert

    Spectral Visualization Sharpening

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    In this paper, we propose a perceptually-guided visualization sharpening technique. We analyze the spectral behavior of an established comprehensive perceptual model to arrive at our approximated model based on an adapted weighting of the bandpass images from a Gaussian pyramid. The main benefit of this approximated model is its controllability and predictability for sharpening color-mapped visualizations. Our method can be integrated into any visualization tool as it adopts generic image-based post-processing, and it is intuitive and easy to use as viewing distance is the only parameter. Using highly diverse datasets, we show the usefulness of our method across a wide range of typical visualizations.Comment: Symposium of Applied Perception'1

    Visual Multi-Metric Grouping of Eye-Tracking Data

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    We present an algorithmic and visual grouping of participants and eye-tracking metrics derived from recorded eye-tracking data. Our method utilizes two well-established visualization concepts. First, parallel coordinates are used to provide an overview of the used metrics, their interactions, and similarities, which helps select suitable metrics that describe characteristics of the eye-tracking data. Furthermore, parallel coordinates plots enable an analyst to test the effects of creating a combination of a subset of metrics resulting in a newly derived eye-tracking metric. Second, a similarity matrix visualization is used to visually represent the affine combination of metrics utilizing an algorithmic grouping of subjects that leads to distinct visual groups of similar behavior. To keep the diagrams of the matrix visualization simple and understandable, we visually encode our eye- tracking data into the cells of a similarity matrix of participants. The algorithmic grouping is performed with a clustering based on the affine combination of metrics, which is also the basis for the similarity value computation of the similarity matrix. To illustrate the usefulness of our visualization, we applied it to an eye-tracking data set involving the reading behavior of metro maps of up to 40 participants. Finally, we discuss limitations and scalability issues of the approach focusing on visual and perceptual issues

    Vision-based methods for evaluating visualizations

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    Visual Multi-Metric Grouping of Eye-Tracking Data

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    We present an algorithmic and visual grouping of participants and eye-tracking metrics derived from recorded eye-tracking data. Our method utilizes two well-established visualization concepts. First, parallel coordinates are used to provide an overview of the used metrics, their interactions, and similarities, which helps select suitable metrics that describe characteristics of the eye-tracking data. Furthermore, parallel coordinates plots enable an analyst to test the effects of creating a combination of a subset of metrics resulting in a newly derived eye-tracking metric. Second, a similarity matrix visualization is used to visually represent the affine combination of metrics utilizing an algorithmic grouping of subjects that leads to distinct visual groups of similar behavior. To keep the diagrams of the matrix visualization simple and understandable, we visually encode our eye-tracking data into the cells of a similarity matrix of participants. The algorithmic grouping is performed with a clustering based on the affine combination of metrics, which is also the basis for the similarity value computation of the similarity matrix. To illustrate the usefulness of our visualization, we applied it to an eye-tracking data set involving the reading behavior of metro maps of up to 40 participants. Finally, we discuss limitations and scalability issues of the approach focusing on visual and perceptual issues

    Comparative eye-tracking evaluation of scatterplots and parallel coordinates

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    We investigate task performance and reading characteristics for scatterplots (Cartesian coordinates) and parallel coordinates. In a controlled eye-tracking study, we asked 24 participants to assess the relative distance of points in multidimensional space, depending on the diagram type (parallel coordinates or a horizontal collection of scatterplots), the number of data dimensions (2, 4, 6, or 8), and the relative distance between points (15%, 20%, or 25%). For a given reference point and two target points, we instructed participants to choose the target point that was closer to the reference point in multidimensional space. We present a visual scanning model that describes different strategies to solve this retrieval task for both diagram types, and propose corresponding hypotheses that we test using task completion time, accuracy, and gaze positions as dependent variables. Our results show that scatterplots outperform parallel coordinates significantly in 2 dimensions, however, the task was solved more quickly and more accurately with parallel coordinates in 8 dimensions. The eye-tracking data further shows significant differences between Cartesian and parallel coordinates, as well as between different numbers of dimensions. For parallel coordinates, there is a clear trend toward shorter fixations and longer saccades with increasing number of dimensions. Using an area-of-interest (AOI) based approach, we identify different reading strategies for each diagram type: For parallel coordinates, the participants’ gaze frequently jumped back and forth between pairs of axes, while axes were rarely focused on when viewing Cartesian coordinates. We further found that participants’ attention is biased: toward the center of the whole plotfor parallel coordinates and skewed to the center/left side for Cartesian coordinates. We anticipate that these results may support the design of more effective visualizations for multidimensional data